Thursday, October 14, 2010

ADMT Reflection

1) What have you learnt?

Over close to 4 months of ADMT lessons, I have learnt about the Environment (Identify and narrow down to a specific problem and find solutions to it), photography, designs (Good and bad ones), and brainstorming and evaluation techniques. Creativity can be linked to coming up with good designs, and brainstorming and evaluation techniques such as scamper and P.I.E.S Needs. Communication would be when we are doing the Environment project. We used online platforms such as Mindmeister for doing mindmaps. This also applies to collaboration. When doing presentations (We rotate the roles every lesson), we must have courage and confidence so we can deliver the presentation well. Critical thinking can be used when thinking of possible problems (Environment), thinking of how to improve ideas and existing products, and when brainstorming. Commitment would be used as in a group for the first two terms, we must be responsible and do our part of the group work.

2) What are the difficulties encountered?

Some difficulties we encountered was keeping up with tight deadlines, and we have a lot of work to submit. We also needed to do a lot of thinking and evaluation which was a bit difficult for me.

3) How did you overcome the difficulties?

I overcame the difficulties of tight deadlines by managing my time better. For the other difficulty, after more practices I was better at it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Reflection - Prototype

1. What are the difficulties that you have encountered during the process?

-I was not very sure what the question meant by “Is it measurable”. Also, it was a little confusing what design considerations could be decided before creating the prototype, or testing it out after creating the prototype.

2. How do you overcome the difficulties encountered?

-My teacher explained to us what design considerations should be done before, and which should be done after. I also discussed with my group mates regarding “measurable” and design considerations, to get different perspective.

3. What are the 2 key takeaways for this lesson?

-What design considerations is needed to be done before, and which after.

-What is a prototype and its purpose.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ergonomics (Product description and Idea Trigger)

Description of product:

It is pink, having a circular tip, with a curve inwards to separate the 2 sticks further at the top. It is made of plastic, and its function is of a chopstick, except the 2 sticks are attached with a circular tip. The two sticks are not totally parallel, but are moving inwards. To use that chopstick, we hold it just like a normal pair of chopsticks, but it can give the Elderly a better grip.

What are the design considerations when designing this product?

-If the Elderly needs to use this product.

-If it is more efficient and easier for the Elderly to use.

-If there are any parts of the product that might injure the Elderly, like sharp edges.

Would an elderly faced difficulty using this product? If yes, what are the difficulties that the elderly would face?

-An Elderly might face difficulty, if they have a weak grip problem. The Elderly might need to use force to use the chopsticks, and might not be able to use it properly.

What do you think can be done to improve on the design of the product to suit the elderly?

The reason why Elderly need to use too much force in using this product is that they are using it at the wrong position. The higher they use it, the more force needed. My improvement is to make the chopstick length adjustable to the preference of the Elderly.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ergonomics 2

1. What is Ergonomics?

It is the factors affecting the understanding and communication between the user and the product or working environment. The more comfortable the user feels, the more and better quality work it can produce.

2. What are the 5 aspects of Ergonomics?

The 5 aspects of Ergonomics are comfort, safety, ease of use, productivity/performance and aesthetics.

3. For each aspects of Ergonomics, explain with an example of a product that is designed for the elderly, how the product meet that particular aspect of Ergonomics.

1) Safety: “No Cuts" Cutting Board is a product for the Elderly’s safety. It is a product to help the Elderly with weak grip. It is to prevent them from cutting their hand with the knife.

2) Comfort: Folding Shopping Cart with Seat is a product for the Elderly’s comfort. It is a product to help the Elderly shop on his/her own. It has wheels, a shopping cart and a seat. It is to help Elderly who needs mobility assistance.

3) Ease of use: Slip Free Strips is a product for the Elderly’s ease of use. It is to prevent the Elderly from slipping. It ease them with walking up or down stairs or at slippery surfaces, because they know the product is trustable and safe.

4) Productivity/performance: Jakoter Health Tag is a product for the Elderly’s performance. It is to track the Elderly’s medical records, and contain emergency contacts to physicians and so on. It is trustable thus the Elderly finds it safe.

5) Aesthetics: The Hearing Aid for the Elderly is a product for aesthetics. It fits well into the ear, as it follows the shape of a ear.

Ergonomics 1

1. Compare the 2 different workplaces, state your observations.

In the first workplace, the user feels uncomfortable sitting on the chair for long hours. The chair does not give the user the freedom to move the arms when he is trying to do other things and does not allow the back to move downwards to let the person lie back. Also, the chair cannot be adjusted up or down, making the person feel more uncomfortable with the wrong height. In the second workplace, the person feels comfortable. The arms of the chair can be moved upwards when the person wants it to, and the back can be moved downwards, letting the person lie back. There are different parts of the back of the chair that is able to move. Also, the chair’s height can be adjusted.

In the first workplace, the user’s eyes feels strained from staring at the computer screen for a long period of time. The screen is not able to move to make the height suitable for the user. In the second workplace, the user feels comfortable. The screen has an arm behind it, such that it allows the screen to move up, down, left and right.

In the first workplace, the lights are too glaring for the user to see properly, the lights are too hot so the user cannot adjust properly and there is a reflection on the screen making it harder to read the words on the screen. In the second workplace, the light is movable and can be pointed to a specific place. The light is also not very glaring so the user can see easily.

In the first workplace, the user experience troubles using the computer for too long and feeling strained. He cannot find a suitable place to put the computer. In the second workplace, there is a laptop holder to rise the laptop to a suitable height for the user.

In the first workplace, he has a lot of things on his work desk, making it messy. The CPU and keyboard is on the table. The user also spilled his drink because of lack of space. In the second workplace, there is more space on his work desk, and he feels more comfortable. The CPU is placed under the table, which the keyboard can be pushed out and not placed on the table.

2. Which workplace is preferred? State with reasons why one workplace is preferred over the other.

The second workplace is preferred. The chair is more comfortable, with its back allowed to move backwards to let the user lie back, can be adjusted up or down and the arms of the chair can be moved up or down to suit what the user is doing. The monitor can be adjusted to a suitable height for the user to make him feel comfortable. The lights are not very glaring, making it easy to see properly. There is more space so the user can feel comfortable.

3. What are the considerations that should be taken into account when designing a workplace that is suitable for the user?

When designing a workplace, we must consider the problems faced with the items in a workplace, and what discomforts they face. Also, we should consider the current products already designed to address these problems.

4. Why do you think that Ergonomics is important when designing?

Ergonomics is the communication between the product and the user. When designing, we must consider if we ourselves want to buy the product.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Elderly Challenge - Observation 4

Yesterday I went downstairs to eat with my family, including my grandmother. She walked for only a while and felt tired already. She had to sit at a bench halfway to catch her breath. Then she told me that many of her friends also face the same problem, and that most elderly get tired very easily. She also added that when she walk and she does not have support around her, or a seat, she would bend forward so it would not be so pain. I think this is the reason why they tend to slouch and it affects their spine. Because they have been doing it for some time, it becomes a habit and the continue slouching.

There was another problem at the hawker centre. The floor was slippery and uneven. Because of that, the table keeps on moving. My grandma almost dropped her food and fall because of the slippery floor. This is the reason why my grandma hardly likes to go to hawker centers to eat. She might easily slip and get very easily tired after walking a short distance.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Elderly Challenge - Observation 3

I have not observed any new difficulties that they face. They pretty much face the same problems in their daily lives. The main problems of these elderlies are that when they enter the toilet, they might slip and fall because the floor is wet. If they fall it can cause them to be paralyzed. That was what happened to my primary school teacher. She was in her mid-fourties and she was half-paralyzed. If it was serious enough for someone in her mid--fourties, the consequences would be worst for the elderly.

Another main problem is climbing the stairs. If there was no handle to support them, they might lose their balance trip and fall. They also cannot sit for too long or else their legs would get numb and they would have difficulty trying to get up.

These are basically the main problems faced by most elderly, and the difficulties are the same over a range of different elderlies.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Holiday homework Part 1

1)-The first key recommendation in the report is creating places to stay in for the Seniors. There would be houses specially created to fulfill the needs of the elderly, and also help the elderly to manage their housing property.

-The next is a place where elderly can easily use or enter. Walkways, lifts, and transport means would be modified to make it more elderly-friendly. The would be barrier-free. The buses would be step-free, low-floor and wheelchair accessible.

-The third is caring for the elderly. Those who need medical attention can go to eldercare services in Singapore.

-The last one is creating opportunities for the elderly. The elderly would have to keep exercising habits and eating balanced diets to lead balanced lifestyles. They would also have to communicate with others and get involved with activities like community groups.

2)-In the elderly’s public housing, lifts, walkways and transport pick-up points are made accessible for the elderly. For the lifts, they would be barrier-free, and they would be upgraded.

3)-One way is that the medisave accounts of the poorer Singaporeans would be top-up when they need the money. This would help Singaporeans to meet their healthcare needs.

-Another way is that the government is planning to set up a Caregiver Centre to support families that need help through providing them with information resources and programmes.

4)-I can help organise activities for the elderly to be active, like hold an amazing race. I could task them to play these games and think about what they should do. This helps them to move around more, think more, and make them more active.

-I can help to clean their house or paint the walls. This way, they do not have to bend so much and feel tired.

-I can also teach them some ICT related things, like using the computer and chatting with other people.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Holiday homework Part 3

This room includes two cupboards, a bed, and a toilet at the bottom-left corner. The white blocks are something like railings for the elderly to hold. In the toilet there should be some as the floor might be wet and they might slip, so they need support in case their family members are not at home. Some of them their legs are rather weak and cannot walk for long, so this comes in handy. The yellow patches on the floor are towels placed on the floor. Because in the toilet the floor might be wet, the towels are to also prevent the elderly from slipping.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Elderly Challenge - Observation 2

This week I have been observing my grandma and also the people at the hawker centres near my house. There is a senior citizen’s corner, but only one or two elderly goes there and it is rather dirty because no one is maintaining it and youngsters walking around smoke and litter that area.

Like last week, they still gather everyday over a cup of drink and talk about anything that comes to their mind. Imagine drinking one cup of coffee everyday. It is not very healthy. Some elderly of my friends do not even come out everyday to socialise and get coped up at home. Because they do not come out to take a walk, they do not get exercise.

I have also been observing my aunt at home. She like to take morning and evening walks during the weekends and go to the gym during alternate weekdays. She likes the morning breeze and fresh air. She enjoys my company as well as my brother’s. Actually most elderly are rather lonely and need people to accompany them. My aunt also faces problems like when she walks past the swimming pool downstairs, she has to hold on to something or she will fall. I also notice other elderly living in the condo facing this problem.

A habit of my brother is to leave his toys lying around the house. Sometimes my aunt did not see it and accidentally trip over it. The difficulties that they face is not reacting fast enough to things happening around them.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Elderly Challenge - Observation 1

I have been observing my grandma and a few other elderlies near my house. Unfortunately my grandma does not allow me to take photos of her, so I cannot produce photos on her daily routines. The few difficulties she faced is that in the toilet, if it is slippery, she might slip and fall and have to walk very carefully. My domestic helper holds her and give her support in case she falls. Also, she put towels at the door of the toilet and outside the shower place so she would not slip if water is present.

Besides slipping, she also face another difficulty, which is walking for short distances. Walking from the hawker centre near my house back to my house takes her about five to ten minutes, and she could sweat a lot and feel very tired. I think this is normal for most elderlies, feeling tired after walking for a short distance. My domestic helper could not do much about this, and neither can anyone else.

Even though she finds it tiring to walk down to the hawker centre, she still does every morning to talk to her friends over a cup of coffee. When I observed them, they seem to be very happy to have a chance to talk about their lives at home. Because I understand the Teochew dialect, I could understand what they were talking about, and some were saying that because they are old their grandchildren or children do not really care about them and they feel rather sad.

I went to my friend’s house and observed some elderly near her house. Some are unable to walk, so their domestic helper have to help them to push the wheelchair. Some are still healthy enough and can still take strolls around and even do exercises at the exercise corner.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

NEWater visit (reflections)

1. What are the 3 key takeaways from today’s visit?

  1. We learnt about the 4 main water taps in Singapore
  2. We learnt about the process “Reverse Osmosis”
  3. We learnt about how water is processed into NEWater.

2. Name 2 concepts that you have learnt today during the visit.

  1. How everything else except water molecules are behind removed.
  2. How water is being processed into NEWater.

3. What is the 1 interesting thing that you have learnt today?

How PUB managed to come-up with solutions like NEWater and desalinated water

  1. What are the things that you can do to help with water conservation in Singapore?

Reduce our usage of water at homes by taking showers instead of baths and using the half flush when dealing with liquid.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This is a picture of 3 teachers in sst. Without the teachers’ help, we would not be able to learn well. They really deserve a break and some time off.

This is a picture with a friend i made this year in SST. I have made more friends in my new secondary school and am enjoying myself a lot.

This is a picture with my childhood friend. We have known each other since we were 4 and are still best friends.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Definition of theme - Environment

i'm reposting this same topic as i've missed out the summary at the end.

The natural environment, commonly referred to simply as the environment, encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally on Earth or some region thereof. Also, it is contrasted with the built environment, which comprises the areas and components that are strongly influenced by humans. A geographical area is regarded as a natural environment, if the human impact on it is kept under a certain limited level.

adopted from:

The environment encompasses all living and non-living things. It means that it comprises of almost everything around us, every object and thing.

The natural environment also contrast with the built environment. It means that the natural world around us includes the built environment, which is the man made surroundings, which man has strongly influenced.

A geographical area may soon not be considered as a natural environment as humans are expanding their area and taking over the areas, like cutting down trees to make place for housing. If the human impact in geographical areas are very high, it would not be considered natural anymore, instead, it’ll be regarded as a built environment.


The environment consist of many things, big or small, living or non-living, nature or man-made. The natural environment contrast with the built environment most of the time. The built environment is the environment strongly impacted by us humans and geographical areas may soon not be considered as a natural environment, if we use more of these area to do housing or other things.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

ADMT lesson 1- Personal Reflections

what does ADMT means to you?
it means understanding, learning and appreciating it.

what are the attitude that an ADMT student should have?
An ADMT student should show the positive attitude to every lesson.

what are your aspiration as an ADMT student?
my aspirations as an ADMT student is to excel in it and gain knowledge on it along the way.

how do you think you can achieve your aspirations?
i think i can do so by working hard and not giving up when faced with a difficult task.

5. Sketch how the world would look like without art, design, media and technology. Describe briefly your sketch. [Take a picture of your sketch and post it on your personal blog.

As you can see, the picture i’ve drawn is Earth and Mars beside it (because of the positioning Mars is cut off). What i’ve pictured a life without ADMT is a world as it is before humans came about, which is basically the universe as it is.

Definition of theme - Environment


The natural environment, commonly referred to simply as the environment, encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally on Earth or some region thereof. Also, it is contrasted with the built environment, which comprises the areas and components that are strongly influenced by humans. A geographical area is regarded as a natural environment, if the human impact on it is kept under a certain limited level.

adopted from:

The environment encompasses all living and non-living things. It means that it comprises of almost everything around us, every object and thing.

The natural environment also contrast with the built environment. It means that the natural world around us includes the built environment, which is the man made surroundings, which man has strongly influenced.

A geographical area may soon not be considered as a natural environment as humans are expanding their area and taking over the areas, like cutting down trees to make place for housing. If the human impact in geographical areas are very high, it would not be considered natural anymore, instead, it’ll be regarded as a built environment.